Was "The Changing Nature of Work" as Reason to Uncouple Coverage and Employment Mentioned at Health Care Summit? Results... | New Work+Life Flex Normal | Fast Company

Last week on the eve of the Health Care Reform Summit, I wondered if the changing nature of work, the real driver underlying the need to reform our currentbb_bestideasforreform employer-sponsored health care system, would be mentioned.  I even created a brief survey asking you to place your bets, on “How will the ‘changing nature of work’ as key health care reform driver show up in tomorrow’s summit?”  The responses were split:

  • 50% said, “It will not be mentioned at all,” and
  • 50% said, “It will be mentioned, but tangentially.” 

No one picked the other option which was, “It will be front and center.” 

So, who was right? 

Read the whole post to find the writer's answer, I wish more of the heath care reform debate was based on thoughtful analysis like this.