Olivia Mitchell: An important lesson from Great Speakers at SXSW

SXSW is a mega conference/festival for geeks in Austin, Texas, United States. Mega means over 10,000 attendees. I came here to see what’s happening at the geek edge of presenting. To observe the interface between presenting and technology.

But what has been most in my face is that the best presenters I saw care! They don’t care about themselves – they care about their audience, and they care passionately. I’ll talk about each of these three best sessions.


So here’s what SXSW reinforced for me. Your style as a presenter doesn’t matter. Whether you’re funny or serious, loud or quiet doesn’t matter. Just care for your audience.

Click through for Olivia's thoughts on sessions by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Dan Roam, and Gary Vaynerchuck.