Corner Office - Vineet Nayar of HCL Technologies - He’s Not Fred Astaire - Question -

So, if you see your job not as chief strategy officer and the guy who has all the ideas, but rather the guy who is obsessed with enabling employees to create value, I think you will succeed. That’s a leadership style that evolved from my own understanding of the fact that I’m not the greatest and brightest leader born. My job is to make sure everybody is enabled to do what they do well. This is part of our “Employees First” philosophy.

From an interview with Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies. This is an attitude I wish I would have experienced more when I was working and I wish I saw more manifest in my Toastmasters district. I think the whole interview is well worth clicking through to read. Nayar sounds like the best kind of maverick. I'd like to learn more about him and his company.