4 Cities Using Tech to Alleviate Traffic

We’ve already shown you how apps and tools can make parking easier, but what about the actual act of driving? Perhaps unbeknownst to you, there’s a lot of tech in your city’s streets and traffic lights that make things run more smoothly. And so despite a growing population and a growing number of cars on the road, gas-guzzling congestion and dirty emissions just might cede, thanks to technology that’s improving traffic flow management. Read on for four examples of tech innovation all over the world, from the U.S. to Australia to Brazil.

Here's the lede from a Mashable article about technology and traffic control. I'm impressed with the scope and reults of Sydney, Australia's system

  • 37% decrease in total travel time
  • 21% decrease in total stops
  • 6% decrease in total CO2 emissions
  • 5% decrease in total NO emissions
  • 10% decrease in total PM10 emissions


and the length of time it's been operating. I guess I'd better pay more attention to the Washingtonian's recent article about the traffic around Washington, DC. The traffic-control system on I95 in Northern Virginia is not nearly as impressive as the systems Mashable presents, and the picture Washingtonian paints is pretty grim.