Posts for Tag: personal History


You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.

Mary Oliver

I didn't find an appreciation for Mary Oliver until I moved away from Ohio, supposedly in the suburb next to the one in which Oliver grew up. I don't know why her work is not more celebrated where she was born.

Poet I've Neglected

I've known for some time that Hart Crane was born in Garrettsville, Ohio, not far from Kent State University and not far from the road I travelled from Washington DC to Cleveland. I've never visitedand I'm surprised that I never heard about the site from the professors at Kent. Today I found out that there are at least two memorials to Crane right in Cleveland. There's a pretty nice-looking park in the flats. I need to find out more about the sculpture here, the park is site near a bridge, and a lot of the pieces in the park look as if they contain fragments from The Bridge.

There's also a more modest memorial on the Case Reserve campus, just across the street from the bookstore I used to work in. It's amazing that I never discovered this site.