Posts for Tag: Poetry

Emily Dickinson

I guess Billy Collins has a thing for Emily Dickinson. He got my attention this morning with his reading of David Ray's At Emily's in Amherst. That immediately called to mind his own poem, Taking Off Emily Dickinson's Clotheswhich I heard Garrison Keillor read on the program in 2001. Ray mentions "the white dress with pearl buttons;" Collins writes of 

 the long white dress, a more
complicated matter with mother-of-pearl
buttons down the back

Together they reminded me of this interview with Annie Leibovitz in which Emily Dickinson's dress and its "alabaster" buttons make a brief appearance.

Walt Whitman's Birthday

He's almost 200! What? You were expecting When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed?

For a much more reverent mashup of Whitman, NASA, and Sagan, try this

via Brain Pickings

Comments aren't ready yet, so I'll just add this in the body of the post: don't miss this fan letter to Walt Whitman at Explore: May my right-hand wither if I don’t tell the world before another week, what one woman thinks of you.